Hydrogen as DNA Switch


Hydrogen’s function as DNA Switch – Hydrogen (H2 ) regulates gene expression

From the recent research article in Nature Medicine, “To exert multiple functions in addition to anti-oxidative roles, H2 regulates various signal transduction pathways and the expression of many genes. For examples, H2 protects neural cells and stimulates energy metabolism by stimulating the hormonal expression of ghrelin and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), respectively. In contrast, H2 relieves inflammation by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines. “

(ref: Molecular hydrogen regulates gene expression by modifying the free radical chain reaction-dependent generation of oxidized phospholipid mediators http://www.nature.com/articles/srep18971 – Published online: 07 January 2016)  


This is like a “DNA Switch”.  Our life is maintained by various DNA switches constantly going on and off.  If you think of a light, Hydrogen’s function is more like adjusting brightness of the light rather than simply turning it on and off.  This switch effect will last about a day after consuming Hydrogen.

These switch effect will last about a day after consuming Hydrogen.

  • Hydrogen (H2 ) turn on the DNA switch which makes FGF-21 (Fibroblast growth factor 21) in liver. FGF-21 is one of the key hormones to signal body to burn fat.  This helps diabetes and prevents Obesity.  With increased level of FGF-21, body fatneutral fat in blood and also blood‐sugar level will decrease even after eating the same amount of food.  Energy metabolism will be increased.  When athlete consumes Hydrogen water, body burns more fat rather than carbohydrate and feels less tired.
  • Hydrogen turn on the DNA switch to increase secretion of Ghrelin (hormone secreted in stomach). Ghrelin activate parasympathetic nervous system causing relaxing effect (reducing irritation and anxiety).  Ghrelin also increase secretion of growth hormone.
    • Growth hormone will help:
      • burn fat
      • Help shedding fat of fatty liver
      • Increase muscle mass
      • Increase metabolism
      • Increase bone mass (prevent osteoporosis)
      • Promote youth of skin
      • Overall anti-aging effect
  • Hydrogen turn off the DNA switch which releases proinflammatorycytokine.  As the result Hydrogen  reduce inflammation.
  • Hydrogen turn on the switch which increase production of reactive oxygen neutralizing enzymes.  As the result, body increase it’s ability to clean reactive oxygen.
  • Hydrogen block histamine receptors just like antihistamine does.  Therefore Hydrogen help allergies.
  • Hydrogen turn off the switch which releases endothelin.  As the result, 
    • blood vessels dilate increasing blood flow to the capillaries,
    • increase blood vessels elasticity
    • prevent  arteriosclerosis


As a reference, below are from the article “Molecular hydrogen regulates gene expression by modifying the free radical chain reaction-dependent generation of oxidized phospholipid mediators” (http://www.nature.com/articles/srep18971
Received: 13 July 2015
Accepted: 02 December 2015
Published online: 07 January 2016


“Drinking of H2-infused water (H2-water) has been shown to be efficacious in the treatment of various diseases in animal models and humans

“Low concentrations of H2 modulated Ca2+ signal transduction and regulated gene expression by modifying the production of oxidized phospholipid species.”

“In addition to the anti-oxidative roles of H2, it has shown to function as an immunosuppressant in allograft transplantation. This immunosuppressant effect can be explained by the suppression of NFAT activation.”


H2 Pathway


“Since pro-inflammatory cytokines are regulated by NFAT-dependent mechanisms, the anti-inflammatory effects by H2 can be explained by the suppression of NFAT. Additionally, the anti-allergic effects of H2 can be explained by the decrease in Ca2+/NFAT signaling.”

“Our data provided important insights into one of the mechanisms by which H2 regulates signal transduction and gene expression; however, H2 might contribute to other types of signaling pathways as well because H2 regulates many genes belonging to various signaling pathways. A more detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms of H2-dependent signal transduction and gene expression is expected to facilitate the application of H2 in a wide range of medical applications.”