Hydrogen as Antioxidant


How Hydrogen works in your body

Free radicals & oxidation in our body is said to be cause for 90% of aging & diseases.  Hydrogen takes oxidation power from these harmful free radicals (could be called Reactive Oxygen SpeciesROS) and turns itself to benign water.

Dr. Ohta - Hydrogen


Please keep in mind that NOT all reactive oxygen species (ROS) are bad.  There are “good” and “bad” reactive oxygen.  In fact, good reactive oxygen play important role to maintain your health by helping nervous system, immune system (by attacking viruses for example), dilating blood vessels and so forth.

Beneficial “Good” reactive oxygen are:

  • superoxide radical
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)


On the other hand, “bad” reactive oxygen have extremely strong oxidizing power and extremely harmful to our body.

Harmful “Bad” reactive oxygen are:

  • Peroxynitrite
  • Hydroxyl radical

Hydroxyl radical is 100 times stronger oxidizing power than Superoxide radical.

These strong reactive oxygen attack and damage human DNA, proteins, mitochondria and many other body elements.  These are highly related to cancer, inflammation (arthritis, allergy, etc), and many other diseases.


Hydrogen is very unique and different from other antioxidents in the way:

  • Hydrogen reacts only with “bad” reactive oxygen and neutralizes them to non-harmful element. Any other known antioxidants in food and supplements (i.e. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lycopene, Coenzyme Q10, Catechin, etc) reacts with both “good” and “bad” reactive oxygen.  This is why over taking antioxidant supplements can diminish the number of good reactive oxygen and cause various health problems.
  • Hydrogen changes physical constitution preventing body’s tendency to produce/create “bad” reactive oxygen by adjusting DNS switches
  • Healthy body makes enzymes which neutralize reactive oxygen.  Hydrogen turn on the DNA switch of this enzyme production.  Therefore, by drinking Hydrogen water, your body will gain natural power to clean reactive oxygen.
  • Hydrogen can reach EVERY cell, every part of the body.
    This is because:
    • Hydrogen is neutral and both oil and water soluble
    • Hydrogen being so small – the smallest element in the universe.


Cell membranes are made of oil based materials, therefore, antioxidant needs to be to be oil soluble (i.e. vitamin E or Coenzyme Q10) to penetrate cell membrane.  This is why water soluble Vitamin C cannot reach inside of cells.  However, inside of a cell is filled with water soluble cytoplasm and the antioxidant needs to be water soluble to be able to function efficiently.  This is why vitamin E or Coenzyme Q10 cannot work well inside of a cell.  Moreover, nucleus inside of cell is surrounded by oil soluble membrane again.  Because cell contains multiple layers of water and oil soluble materials, and all antioxidants are either oil soluble or water soluble, it is hard for any antioxidants to reach every part of the body.  Instead, they are only able to work in specific parts of our body.

In contrast, Hydrogen, and only hydrogen is neutral, and able to go through both Oil and Water soluble materials, plus being so small, it can easily reach any layers of cells including inside of nucleus, and effectively function as antioxidant.

Some part of the body such as brain cell and oocytes (eggs) being so important for survival, they are tightly well protected (i.e. Blood-brain barrier in brain) and most of vitamins and macromolecular are not able to get in.  However, Hydrogen, being so small and unique, can reach even inside of brain calls and oocytes!!

One of the causes of wrinkles, freckles, age spots, dullness and sagging of skin is ultraviolet (UV) light.  When skin is exposed to UV light, massive reactive oxygen are produced.  In order to protect from reactive oxygen, melanocyte produces melanin which turns the skin dark.  Darker skin will prevent/blocks UV light to penetrate deeper into the skin.  When your skin is healthy, these dark pigmentation will shed off eventually, but if cell doesn’t turn over well, pigmentation remains on the skin showing as freckles or age spots. Reactive oxygen will attack skin cells and oxidize collagen in the skin, in result, skin cannot retain water, causing wrinkles and sagging.

Hydrogen takes oxidizing power out of reactive oxygen before they cause damages to skin.